Does Negative Ion Really Work on Air Quality Improvement

Negative ions have been discovered for more than 100 years and are widely used for air cleaning. So what is negative ion?

Negative ions are oxygen atoms charged with an extra electron. They are created in nature by the effects of water, air, sunlight and the Earth’s inherent radiation Negatively charged ions are most prevalent in natural places and particularly around moving water or after a thunderstorm. That taste in the air and feeling you get at the beach, near a waterfall or after a storm is your body being saturated in the benefits of negative ions.

In high enough concentrations, negative ions purify the surrounding air of mold spores, pollen, pet dander, odors, cigarette smoke, bacteria, viruses, dust and other hazardous airborne particles.

Nowadays, people pay more attention to healthcare and air ionizer could be a good choice for them. For a handy summary here are positive negative ion health benefits:

l Negative ion machines are proven to clear the air of dust, pollen, pet dander, mold spores and other potential allergens.

l A good negative ion generator can significantly decrease airborne viruses and bacteria in your home.

l Negative ionizers have a relaxing effect and have been reported to normalize your breathing rate, decrease blood pressure and relieve tension. Because negative ions are absorbed directly into the bloodstream they may help to combat harmful free radicals within your body.

l Better sleep. A French study found using negative ion technology could help you to sleep better. This is once again due to negatively charged ions positive effects in normalizing serotonin production in the brain.


For more info about air purifiers, please check the link below.




Post time: Oct-08-2019